Plants for sale. 50 kr per plant unless stated otherwise. + shipping.
Plants are sent by letter, and are sent on mondays and tuesdays.
Some plants there are many of, and some there are only a few.
Order by email: or PM on Facebook or SMS.
Remember name and address.
Click the name of a plant to view an image of it.
Anemone polyanthes 80 kr
Anemone ranunculoides semiplena
Anemone trullifolia var linearis
Aquilegia aktiensis rosea
Aquilegia scopulorum
Calandrinia ranunculina
Callianthemum coriandrifolium 80 kr
Delphinium kamaoense
Edraianthus dinaricus
Edraianthus zogovicii
Euphorbia capitulata
Meconopsis baileyi
Papaver dahlianum
Potentilla raddeana ex Armenia
Primula firmipes
Pulsatilla albana alboviolacea
Ranunculus esczholtzii
Saponaria caespitosa
Saponaria pumilio